Twelve calculators and nine chartsare included for refined Risk/Bankroll/Goal/Time/Results related calculations. These betting schemes maximize your bankroll growth. As you change the settings, the optimalbetting ramps are instantly calculated using the latest theories inoptimal betting. SCOREis a method of comparing games coined by Don Schlesinger. Load the sims for a strategy and you can changedecks, rules, penetrations, bet spread, risk and bankroll and instantlysee the effect on win rate, expectation, SCORE and other stats. There are 250,000 2 billion roundsims included with CVCX. The latest edition of BJA Chapter 10 was created using CVCX.There are four main purposes to CVCX: This application is based upon Blackjack Attack by Don Schlesinger.BJA Chapter Ten contains summaries of over 600 separate 20 billion roundsims and has been the source of a wealth of information for the Blackjackcommunity. For blackjack game, practice and drills,see CV Blackjack Game. CVCX is described here and CVData on the CVDataBlackjack Simulator Page. Two new Blackjack Simulators join the Casino Vérité Blackjackline. (Author: ShuffleTracking for Dummies Developer: Unbalanced Zen) There's no other simulator that can match its sheer speedor features in today's market.' - George C. 'I believe any serious player or team captain should own thissoftware. Blackjack Simulator, Sim Library& Risk/Goal/Bankroll/Trip Ruin/Optimal Bet Calculator In most varieties of blackjack, the rules allow playing with 2 to 8 decks of cards, with no joker. Free Blackjack Simulator Home / Online Blackjack Simulators / Free Blackjack Simulator Classic Blackjack is played with a standard 52-card deck. Blackjack Simulation, Blackjack Stastistics,Improve your Blackjack Game,Blackjack free Simulator, Free Simulation of millions Blackjack Hands.